Friday, December 3, 2010

Radio Ad Reflection and Chart

Conventions used
Areas to improve
-Personal story
-Uses statistics
-Mood (dream like atmosphere)
-Too echoy, hard to hear
-Personal story
-dialogue narrative
-heart strings
-statistics, voice over
-good background music
-good story and establishment of setting, mood,tone
-voices are kind of similar
-heart strings

-serious tone and mood

-dialogue narrative
-sound effects made it more realistic
-powerful statement “odds are against you”
-good use of music
-music at the beginning is confusing. Its supposed to be club mood but it is a little loud.  Could have muffled sounds while entering the room.
-gives third person point of view
-pulse makes you feel like your her

-targets gamblers themselves
-good background music
-very effective at showing the faults of a gambler

-dialogue narrator
-good establishment of setting
-creates a story
-use of different accent for narrator attracts attention

-dialogue narrator
-heart strings

-very clear

-heart strings
-peaks interest with sound of cards
-music a little too loud
-targeted towards gambler poker players
-doesn’t say where to get help
-effective at exemplifying the destruction that gambling can bring to a person’s life

-good music

-narrative dialogue
-interesting and different
-too long


The two that I decided to compare used an indirect approach and a direct approach. The first one has a story setting between two characters and the second one is a more “in your face” type approach. The radio ads are similar because they both effectively get the point across using a story line and by trying to help its audience spot the signs of a teen gambler. The first group created a dialogue between two characters to explain the situation of a teen gambler. They also used effects such as echoing, repetition and created a dream like mood state with the music. The second group used one voice and decided to play on someone’s fears. They didn’t really tell a story but instead told you what would happen to a teen gambler. They also used music but it didn’t really create a mood like the first one, it just added to the overall presentation. The difference in the two ads was that the first group used statistics and the second group didn’t.
   Both the advertisements were effective. They targeted different aspects of a teen gambler. The first one targeted a friend of a teen gambler and the second one targeted the gambler.
   When creating a radio advertisement, some challenges that one could face would be putting together a script that was long enough and got the point across. They could also have technical difficulties with adding in the sound effects to fit in well with the advertisement.

Privacy in the Media

As you all know, facebook is a huge database that has a ton of personal information about each and every one of its users. This article addresses how Mark Zuckerburg the CEO of facebook, is under some pressure because its partners, such as zynga (who is popular for the games “Farmville” and “mafia wars”) are abusing how they treat the personal data of facebook users. As stated in the article, “The Wall Street Journal recently noted many of Facebook’s most popular applications transmit identifying information — in effect, providing access to people’s names and, in some cases, their friends’ names — to dozens of advertising and Internet tracking companies.” Demand for this information is extreme and software developers like zynga have great access to details about facebook users and companies will pay lots of money to get this information. In the article it says “Facebook must stay ahead of this cyber-market and its partners by enforcing stronger compliance to policies that protect its users’ information.”
This is really important that this issue is being addressed because it needs to be acknowledged. Facebook users are supposed to be private but their privacy is being violated and I don’t think that’s right. 
In our digital age, I think that privacy isn’t like what it used to be. There are over 500 million users on facebook all with updated information about themselves and you hear all the time about identity theft because people are less careful about the things they share on the internet.  Privacy doesn’t exist in our digital age and social networking sites are making privacy more difficult to obtain.